(Last revision: August 2024)

These general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter "GTCU") are entered into by the Bal du Moulin Rouge S.A., a public limited company [société anonyme] with capital of 4,515 676.00 euros, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number B 552 046 120, having its registered office at 82, Boulevard de Clichy - 75018 Paris (France) – Intra Community VAT FR45 552 046 120 (hereinafter "Moulin Rouge"), as the first party, and by any person(s) wishing to access, browse and use any of the features of the Moulin Rouge websites accessible at the URL addresses and (hereinafter the "Websites") for personal and private purposes (hereinafter the "User(s)"), as the second party.

The Websites enable the Users in particular, (i) to discover the universe, history, establishment and reviews of the Moulin Rouge through the centuries, (ii) discover the ongoing review of the show and the artists participating in the show, and also (iii) to make online reservations and purchase products offered for sale on the Moulin Rouge's shop. Finally, the tab "RECRUITMENT AND CASTING" allows people who wish to apply to the Moulin Rouge to present their application.

Access to the Websites and the use of their content shall be made in strict compliance with the GTCU in force. Accessing and browsing the Website therefore constitutes the Users' full acceptance of the provisions of the GTCU.

The Users are also informed that the use of booking services and the purchase of the products offered by the Moulin Rouge's shop are subject to the general terms and conditions governing ticket sales and the general terms and conditions for the sale of products online, respectively, which they should read beforehand and accept the terms in order to finalise their order.

The Users are also informed that the use of booking services and the purchase of the products offered by the Moulin Rouge's shop are subject to the general terms and conditions governing ticket sales and the general terms and conditions estore, respectively, which they should read beforehand and accept the terms in order to finalise their order.

The processing of the Users' personal data is performed in accordance with the Privacy Policy, accessible here: 

Moulin Rouge informs the Users that these GTCU applicable to the Websites may be modified at any time. Such changes are posted online and are deemed unconditionally accepted when the Users access the Website after they are posted. Moulin Rouge therefore recommends that Users periodically review this page.

To the extent permitted by law, if there is any contradiction between the French version of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the English translation, the original French version will prevail.


The Websites are accessible to any User from a mobile or fixed terminal having an Internet connection and a browser. The User is responsible for his/her computer equipment and, as such, undertakes to configure its installation so as to ensure optimum use of the features of the Websites.

Moulin Rouge shall make its best efforts to ensure continued availability of the Websites on a 24/7 basis. Access to the Websites may, however, be occasionally restricted or suspended, without notice, to allow Moulin Rouge to perform maintenance or to introduce new features on any of the Websites. To the extent possible, Moulin Rouge will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of these interruptions.

Moulin Rouge does not control the risks related to using the Internet and draws the Users' attention to the existence of potential risks in terms of confidentiality of the information transmitted via this network, interruptions in electronic communications, denial of service, viruses, computer bugs, and any other case independent of the will of Moulin Rouge and which impedes the availability of Websites. In any event, Moulin Rouge recommends that the User protect his/her computer equipment by installing antivirus software and securing his/her Internet connection.

The User is informed that Moulin Rouge makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning access to all or part of the Websites, and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, regardless of its cause, origin, nature and consequence, arising from the browsing or the use of the Websites. In particular, Moulin Rouge disclaims any liability in case of inaccessibility to any of the Websites, the occurrence of bugs, and/or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts committed by third parties (such as intrusion) through the Websites.


When entering personal data through any of the Websites, in particular through the sections "CHECK OUT OUR OFFERS", "SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER", "RECRUITMENT AND CASTING" or "WITHDRAWAL FORM", the User agrees to provide Moulin Rouge only information that is accurate and not detrimental to the interests or rights of third parties. These data will be collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, available via the following link:

The User assures the Moulin Rouge that he will make fair and lawful use of the Websites, in strict compliance with the GTCU in effect when browsing. The User specifically agrees not to carry out any activity that is likely to interfere with, disrupt or block the normal functioning of any of the Websites in any manner whatsoever, including partially or temporarily. The User also undertakes not to threaten or attempt to threaten the security of the Websites in any manner whatsoever and/or, more broadly, the hosting infrastructure and information systems used by the Moulin Rouge.

The Moulin Rouge shall make its best efforts to ensure that the information provided on the Websites is relevant and current. However, the Moulin Rouge does not guarantee in any way that said information is accurate, complete and current, as reasonable time is required for the administration of the Websites.

Therefore, the Moulin Rouge makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning all or any part of the content of the Websites.

Notwithstanding the general terms and conditions of sale applicable to the reservation and online sales services, the Moulin Rouge may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage - whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequence - arising from the use of the Websites and/or the viewing of information on the Websites.

The Moulin Rouge offers the User a number of hyperlinks or news feeds, for information purposes, which allow access to third-party websites. The Moulin Rouge has no control over any of these third party websites, nor control over what is published on them, and does not intend to approve of their content by inserting a hyperlink or reference of any kind whatsoever.

Therefore, the User understands and acknowledges that the Moulin Rouge shall not be liable for the content of third party websites, including their practices and/or sales pricing, or any products and services associated therewith and that could be redirected from the Websites. Similarly, the Moulin Rouge shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages suffered by the User resulting from the access to, the content, the use, or the malfunctioning of these third party websites.

To promote its activities and share news of its review with the general public, the Moulin Rouge has a personal account on various social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram). The User can access, follow and comment on current events about the Moulin Rouge, in accordance with these GTCU as well as the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Personal Data Policy in force on these social medias.

The User thus acknowledges that it is his responsibility to read beforehand the conditions in force for accessing, monitoring and sharing on these social networks.


The Websites and all of their components, including the associated trademarks and domain names, are protected by intellectual property rights under laws related to copyright, the protection of databases, and by any law in force in France and by any European or international treaty.

Moulin Rouge is the holder and user of all the copyrights, databases, trademarks, names, text, graphics, icons, images, videos, logos and sounds, and all other intellectual property rights relating to the Websites, their content, and/or compilations of their content, and all computer records and other codes implemented on the Websites (hereinafter the "Intellectual Property Rights").

Without prejudice to the provisions above, the User is not authorised to appropriate, copy, modify, distribute, disseminate, use all or any part of the Websites or other Intellectual Property Rights relating thereto, or use any logo, trademark, photographs or images reproduced on the Websites.

The following shall constitute an offence and may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution against the User acting in violation of these provisions:

- any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, modification, or unauthorised, complete or partial distribution of the Websites and/or their components, by any means whatsoever, whether these are components belonging to Moulin Rouge or to third parties;

- any repeated or systematic extraction or reuse - including for private purposes - of a substantial or insubstantial part of the elements from the databases used on the Websites.

No document on any of the Websites should be construed as granting any express or implied license to any of the Intellectual Property Rights.


To view and visit the Websites only, the User does not, in principle, have to provide any of his/her own personal data.

Moulin Rouge is only likely to collect personal data from Users (hereinafter "Personal Data") through the tabs "CHECK OUT OUR OFFERS", "SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER", "RECRUITMENT AND CASTING", or "WITHDRAWAL FORM", " in order to ensure proper monitoring of the requests made by the User, as well as Cookies during the navigation on the websites.

The processing of Personal Data is made in accordance with the current regulations and notably the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27th 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and is carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the Privacy Policy

Information regarding the use of cookies on the User's hard drive, and the terms of use of redirection buttons to social medias from the Websites are also included in the Privacy Policy

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6th 1978 as amended and the GDPR, the Users shall at all times have the right to access, correct, delete data concerning them and limit the processing of their personal data, as described in the Privacy Policy. To exercise these rights and to obtain communication of the information, the User must simply send his/her request for such information to Moulin Rouge.

In order for Moulin Rouge to be able to honour the User's request, the User must send it the information necessary to identify him, including his/her name, address and email address, by email sent to the following address: or by ordinary mail to the following address: Bal du Moulin Rouge – Service RGPD – 82 Boulevard de Clichy – 75018 Paris -FRANCE

WARNING: due to material and technical constraints, the processing times for requests from Users will inevitably be increased if the request is made by mail. 


French law is the only law applicable to the relationship between Moulin Rouge and the Users.

It is expressly agreed that any type of dispute whatsoever shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

In any case, the Parties will intend to find an amicable solution to their dispute, prior to referral to the competent court.

In case of dispute and before any legal action, the User can reach Moulin Rouge in priority, at the following number +33(0) (no over-rate number from a landline in metropolitan France), from Monday to Friday except on bank holidays or day off, from 9AM to 5PM, or by email at or by post to Moulin Rouge, Service RGPD, 82 boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France.

In the event of a complaint failure to Moulin Rouge or in the absence of response of this service within two (2) months, the User can refer the dispute related to his/her order or to the present GCS opposing him/her to Moulin Rouge to a mediator who will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together in order to reach an amicable solution.

In this case, the User may contact the mediator listed on the consumer mediation website of the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance ( in the "Theatres, shows, museums" section, click on "Consult the list of mediators":

The contact details of the mediator are the following: Association Médiation Tourisme et Voyage (M.T.V), 15, avenue Carnot, 75017 Paris, France. To contact the mediator:

It is reminded that the dispute cannot be examined by the consumer mediator when:

a) the User cannot prove that he/she has intended, beforehand, to solve his/her dispute with Moulin Rouge with a written complaint;

b) The request is obviously unfounded and excessive;

c) The dispute has been previously considered or is under consideration by a mediator or by a court;

d) The User made his/her request to the mediator within a time frame that extends beyond one year from the date of the written complaint to Moulin Rouge;

e) The dispute is not within their field of expertise.

To submit a request for mediation, the User can use a form available on the mediator's website, which informs the User within three weeks from the date of receipt of his/her issue, of the rejection of his/her request of mediation.

To submit a request of mediation, the User has a complaint form available on the website of the mediator.

8.5- The User and Moulin Rouge remain free to accept or decline the mediation procedure and, in case of a mediation procedure, to accept or decline the solution proposed by the mediator.

In accordance with Article 14 of (EU) Regulation No. 524/2013, the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals in the European Union, accessible at the following link: https://ec