Legal notice

Contact details

Bal du Moulin Rouge (here after “Moulin Rouge”) a limited company (société anonyme) capitalised at €4,515,676.00 headquartered at 82 boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France, and registered on the Paristrade and companies register under number B 552046120.

Moulin Rouge is the publisher of the website (referred to hereafter as the “Website”) and the company’s Managing Director, Mr. Olivier Villalon, is the editorial director. 

The Website was designed by Shopify LobsTTer.

The Website is hosted by Shopify Inc., headquartered at 126York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5, Canada. 

 If you have any questions, please contact the customer service department: 

Moulin Rouge Customer Service

82 boulevard de Clichy

75018 Paris


Accessto the Website and use of the content is subject to the conditions set outbelow. By visiting and browsing the Website you unreservedly accept the following: 

Guarantees and Liability

Moulin Rouge makes every endeavor to ensure that the information accessible via the Website is accurate and up to date but it does not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, comprehensiveor up to date. Moulin Rouge does not give any guarantee, whether explicit or tacit, in respect of the Website, in whole or in part. 

Moulin Rouge also declines all liability inrespect of access to sites linked to the Website and the contents thereof. Moulin Rouge may not be held liable under any circumstances for any direct or indirect prejudice, irrespective of the cause, origin, nature or consequences thereof, arising from visiting or using the Website and notably declines all liability in the event of access to the Website being interrupted or being impossible, bugs occurring or prejudice resulting from any fraudulent third party action (such as intrusion) from the Website. 

Moulin Rouge uses means intended to ensure the security of files of personal data collected on the Website but has no control over Internet operating risks and draws your attention to the risks in terms of the confidentiality of data carried on the Net. 

Legal notice

Moulin Rouge reserves the right to amend this notice at any time. Anysuch amendments will be published online and will be deemed to have been accepted unreservedly if you visit the Website after they have been put online. We recommend that you check the present page regularly. 


This notice has been drawn up in accordance with French and European law, notably the Digital Economy Confidence Act of 21stJune 2004, the regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) and the law “Informatique et Libertés” of 6January 1978 as amended by the law of 20 June 2018.The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any disputes in relation to the Website.